
The importance of customisation of Shower-Toilet wheelchairs
At first glance, it may not seem so important how a shower-toilet wheelchair is fitted, as someone will only sit on it for a short time anyway. In practice, however, this is different. Pressure sores can develop within an hour, and many people with severe mobility problems often sit on their shower-toilet wheelchair for longer than that. The day often starts with a toilet visit, which can be time-consuming, especially if bowel movements need to be stimulated. This can easily take half an hour to an hour. If you add a shower, they can end up sitting in the chair for more than an hour. Therefore, a good sitting position, with a soft and customised seat, is essential to prevent pressure sores.
However, there are other reasons to opt for customisation. Good posture is crucial for effective laxation, especially if it does not happen naturally. If the cut out in the seat is too large and someone sinks their buttocks into the hole – which can easily happen with weakened or paralysed pelvic floor muscles – the anus may even be squeezed shut, making laxation difficult or even impossible. Improper posture or insufficient support can also affect bowel movements and thus a person’s well-being during the day, for example by involuntarily losing stools.

When do you opt customisation?
There are many situations where a custom-made shower-toilet wheelchair is the best – and sometimes the only – solution. Examples where customisation makes all the difference are:
- Prevention of pressure sores and incontinence
- Reduced torso stability
- Limited arm and hand function
- Difficult transfers
- Different knee, ankle or hip angle
- Scoliosis, amputation or abnormal height
A good sitting position not only helps to prevent pressure sores and incontinence, but also promotes independence, especially in activities such as showering and going to the toilet. This contributes to the overall quality of life, especially for people with complex mobility problems such as spinal cord injury, muscle disease or MS.

If you wish to apply for reimbursement for a shower-toilet chair, this is usually done through the government or your insurance provider. The process, of course, varies by country. While we are not familiar with the specific local procedures, we do know that reimbursement is often more successful with a strong recommendation and justification from an occupational therapist, rehabilitation physician and/or consultant.
There are several important, unique features that Lagooni offers which a standard shower-toilet chair often does not meet:
- Manoeuvrability: The chair is lightweight and highly manoeuvrable, which is especially important when there is limited strength in the hands and/or arms.
- Adjustable backrest angle: Essential for people with poor trunk stability.
- Compact turning radius: Ideal for use in tight spaces.
- Height adjustable: Suitable for both shorter and taller users.
- Customised seat: Helps prevent pressure sores and incontinence.
- Adjustable components: Armrests, leg supports, footrests, and more can be tailored for stability and support.
As a consultant, your role in the customisation process is crucial. By clearly communicating the benefits of a Lagooni chair, you can significantly improve the approval rate.

Demo models
As a consultant located within the EU, you can fit a Lagooni shower-toilet wheelchair yourself with a demo model (which you can request from Lagooni), with your own showroom model or a model at a rehabilitation centre.
The procedure for a demo model:
1. Request a demo model through the website, or get in touch with us through
2. Upon receipt, you will receive an invoice for a deposit of € 500.
3. After payment, the shipment will be confirmed and you will receive the delivery date and return date.
4. The chair will be shipped and the fitting can take place.
5. After the fitting, you return the model and your deposit will be refunded if the chair is returned on time and in good condition.
Support for fitting
Training and product demos
Lagooni offers training for consultants so that they can carry out fittings independently. Would you like to follow a training course together with your colleagues? This is possible at Lagooni or at your location. For more information, please contact us at
Product demonstrations
Would you like to know more about Lagooni’s products and get to know them better together with your colleagues? Of course you can! You are welcome to visit our showroom, but we can also arrange a product demo at your location. If you are interested, please contact us at